In recent years, bacteria of the genus Massilia have been identified as promising sources of bioactive natural products. In this study, we used mass spectrometry (MS)-based molecular networking for the first comprehensive analysis of the secondary...
[N–I–N] Type Halogen Bonding: Structure, Synthesis and Applications
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Halogen bond has received widespread attention in recent years due to the vast applications in supramolecular chemistry, sensing and crystal engineering. In contrast to the normal halogen bonds, [N–I–N] type halogen bond exhibits enhanced strength and solvent resistance capabilities. It adopts a bonding geometry of the three-center four-electron bond, where the nitrogen can be a neutral, positive, or negative species such as pyridine, saccharin, and urotropine moieties. The emerging new type halogen bond has found specific potentials in constructing supramolecular architectures and catalysis. This concept provides a brief summary based on recent developments of [N–I–N] type halogen bonding, reviewing and summarizing its synthesis, structure and application.
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