Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Methyl‐Symmetrically Substituted Poly(3,4‐Dimethylthiophene) as Cathode for Aluminum Ion Batteries

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Addressing the stability challenges in aluminum ion batteries, this research employs poly(3,4-dimethylthiophene) (PDMT) as a cathode material. Innovatively modifying the thiophene ring with methyl groups, PDMT adjusts local charge density and electron delocalization, boosting electrochemical reactivity and cycling stability. Exhibiting an exceptional discharge capacity of 110 mAh g-1 and maintaining 92.7% capacity after 1000 cycles, PDMT outperforms traditional polythiophene cathodes.


The aggravation of energy problems and the scarcity of lithium resources have forced us to look for new energy storage systems. Aluminum ion batteries, as a promising energy storage system, have the advantages of environmental friendliness and abundant aluminum resources, and have the potential for application in large-scale energy storage and personal portable electronic devices. To solve the stability problem of aluminum ion batteries during cycling for large-scale energy storage needs, we report a polythiophene-based conductive polymer, poly(3,4-dimethylthiophene) (PDMT), as a high performance cathode material for aluminum ion batteries. By introducing two methyl groups on the thiophene ring, we successfully adjust the local charge density of the heterocyclic thiophene, thus changing the electron delocalization characteristics, and improving the electrochemical reaction activity of the polythiophene (PTH) material as a redox electrode material. This also maintains the symmetry and regularity of the polymer structure, giving the material better cycling stability. The discharge specific capacity reaches 110 mAh g−1 at a current density of 200 mA g−1, far exceeding conventional PTH cathodes (~70 mAh g−1), and the capacity retention rate is 92.7 % after 1000 cycles. It also shows excellent rate performance due to the flexible structure of the conductive polymer.

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