Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Mechanochemical Assembly of a Nitrile‐Based Directing Group in Arylacetic AcidsUsing the Passerini 3‐CR: Exploration of the Pd(II)‐Catalyzed meta‐C(sp2)‐H Bond olefination Process

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The multicomponent assembly of a nitrile-based directing group in a set of arylacetic acids under solvent-free mechanochemical conditions using the Passerini 3-CR and the subsequent Pd(II)-mediated meta-C(sp2)-H bond olefination process has been achieved. The protocol demonstrated that removing the DG under mild conditions from the activated Passerini adducts affords a novel N-(tert-butyl)-2-(2-cyanophenyl)-2-hydroxyacetamide, which can be re-utilized in the future as DG in other distal activation processes.

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