Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Mechanistic Insights into Urea‐, Thiourea‐, and Isothiourea‐Based Bifunctional Tetraarylphosphonium Salt Catalysis for Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Cyclic Carbonates

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

This paper describes the development of bifunctional organocatalysts for the reaction of epoxides with atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide. Isothiourea, thiourea, and urea groups are effective hydrogen bond donors for the carbon dioxide fixation. Computational mechanistic studies disclosed key hydrogen bond interactions between catalysts and intermediates, which relied upon orientation of the binding modes.


A novel bifunctional isothiourea derived from a tetraarylphosphonium salt catalyzes the coupling reaction of monosubstituted epoxides with 1 atm of carbon dioxide to afford five-membered cyclic carbonates in high yields. Thiourea and urea groups are also effective hydrogen bond donors for the carbon dioxide fixation. Comprehensive mechanistic studies on this catalysis using theoretical calculations disclosed key hydrogen bond interactions between catalysts and intermediates, which relied upon orientation of the binding modes.

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