Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Mechanistic Inquisition on the Reduction of C17Si(NH2)2 to NH3: A DFT Study

ChemPhysChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

A detailed mechanistic investigation is undertaken to facilitate the synthesis of ammonia through the reaction of molecular nitrogen and hydrogen, employing silicon-substituted cyclo[18]carbon (C17Si) as a catalyst. Notably, the comprehensive catalytic cycle exhibits an overall negative Gibbs-free energy change, coupled with the regeneration of the catalyst. This study unveils the potential for ammonia synthesis under metal-free and mild reaction conditions.


Activation of molecular nitrogen by silicon-substituted cyclo[18]carbon and its ability to produce the C17Si-(NH2)2 derivative, as the precursor of NH3, has been recently reported. This specific acquisition has piqued an interest to investigate the possibility of NH3 formation with further addition of H2 molecules in the gaseous reaction media. The current investigations reported in this article show that two moles of molecular H2 generate two molecules of NH3 and a C17Si-H2 byproduct from its precursor. The catalyst gets restored by an in situ reaction between some unreacted C17Si-N2 and the byproduct in the media. This reaction also produces the next C17Si-(NH)2 adduct, which restarts the catalytic cycle for NH3 production again.

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