Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Light Responsive DNA Nanomaterials and Their Biomedical Applications

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Light responsive DNA nanomaterials based on photocleavage/photodecage, photoisomerization, and photocrosslinking have been summarized for efficient bioimaging (including imaging of small molecule, microRNA, and protein) and drug delivery (including delivery of small molecule, nucleic acid, and gene editing system).


DNA nanomaterials have been widely employed for various biomedical applications. With rapid development of chemical modification of nucleic acid, serials of stimuli-responsive elements are included in the multifunctional DNA nanomaterials. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in light responsive DNA nanomaterials based on photocleavage/photodecage, photoisomerization, and photocrosslinking for efficient bioimaging (including imaging of small molecule, microRNA, and protein) and drug delivery (including delivery of small molecule, nucleic acid, and gene editing system). We also discuss the remaining challenges and future perspectives of the light responsive DNA nanomaterials in biomedical applications.

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