Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Ligand‐free MnBr2‐Catalyzed Chemo‐ and Stereoselective Hydroboration of Terminal Alkynes

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Developing simple and benign protocols for synthesizing alkenylboronates is crucial as they are synthetically valuable compounds in various organic transformations. In this work, we report a straightforward ligand-free protocol for synthesizing alkenylboronates via atom-economical hydroboration of alkynes with HBpin catalyzed by a manganese salt. The reaction shows a high level of chemo and regioselectivity for the terminal alkynes and exclusively produces E-selective alkenylboronates. The hydroboration scope is vast, with the resilience of a range of synthetically beneficial functionalities, such as halides, ether, alkenyl, silyl and thiophenyl groups. This reaction proceeds through the involvement of a metal-hydride intermediate. The developed alkenylboronate can be smoothly converted to useful C−C, C−N and C−I bond-forming reactions.

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