Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker

IUPAC General Assembly in Korea

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, November 2015, Seite 1138, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

At the 48th General Assembly of IUPAC in Busan (Korea) from 8 to 14 August the council elected the officers for the next biennium and voted for a new intermediate subscription scheme to overcome the exchange rate variations. In his report, Mark Cesa, IUPAC president, explained the changes in the management and the secretariat during the last 18 months. The executive director had left and Lynn Soby was hired as new ED. Also the secretary general René Deplanque had resigned shortly after the last General Assembly and was followed by Colin Humphris in April 2014.

As new vice president and president elect Qi-Feng Zhou (China) was elected by the council. Mark Cesa (USA) will be past president when Natalia Tarasova (Russia) becomes president for 2016 and 2017. Colin Humphris (UK) was elected as treasurer and Richard Hartshorn (New Zealand) as secretary general. The six newly elected members of the bureau are Mei Hung Chui (China Taipei), Christopher M. A. Brett (Portugal), Hemda Garelick (UK), Ehud Keinan (Israel), Kew-Ho Lee (Korea) and Pietro Tundo (Italy). The re-elected members are Russell Boyd (Canada), Tavarekere Chandrashekar (India), Christopher Ober (USA) and Kaoru Ya


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