Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Insight into the Improvement Strategies of Aqueous Electrolyte for Aqueous Rechargeable Batteries

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Aqueous electrolytes have attracted wide attention due to their the high ionic conductivity, safety and interfacial wettability. This review discuss the key concepts for performance improvement of aqueous electrolytes, aiming to provide a comprehensive perspective and inspiration for further research on aqueous electrolytes.


Aqueous rechargeable batteries (ARBs) have attracted wide attention due to their rich resources, environmental friendliness, and safety. The high ionic conductivity, safety and interfacial wettability of the aqueous electrolyte are essential for energy storage devices. However, the narrow electrochemical stability window (ESW) of the aqueous electrolyte and the side reactions of the electrode/electrolyte lead to the low energy density of the ARBs. In the past studies, the above problems were generally solved by improving the ion transport characteristics of the electrolyte and the electrode/electrolyte interface. Herein, we discuss the background, limitations, and key concepts for performance improvement of aqueous electrolytes, aiming to provide a comprehensive perspective and inspiration for further research on aqueous electrolytes and promote their development and application in the field of energy storage.

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