In Memoriam Hanns Malissa 1920 — 2010
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
He held the chair for Analytical Chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology for 30 years (1959 — 1989), creating a major European focus point for education, training and research in this scientific discipline. His innovative ideas lead not only to more than 200 publications and several books, but also provided the basis for the broad and internationally successful representation of Analytical Chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology, which now encompasses micro-, nano- and surface analysis, sensor research, elemental and molecular trace analysis, process analysis, computer based analytical chemistry (COBAC), materials, environmental and biochemical analysis.
As a dedicated professor he also emphasised continuously the significance of Analytical Chemistry in chemical education, which lead to a strong representation of our field within the chemistry curriculum at the Vienna University of Technology and provided substantial impacts for the proposition and acceptance of an Eurocurriculum by the Working Party on Analytical Chemistry (WPAC) of the Federation of European Chemical Societies (FECS).
A further permanent merit of Hanns Malissa was the implement
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