Six DMSP lyases were investigated for their potential to cleave synthetic DMSOP analogs with longer alkyl chains into sulfoxides and acrylate. The pH dependency and enzyme kinetics of these reactions were determined, showing efficient transformat...
Heteroaryl 2‐Sulfonamide Synthesis by SN2 Reaction‐Oxidation Cascade
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Heteroaryl 2-sulfonamides are an important structural moiety in drug discovery. However, reports of the efficient synthesis of these scaffolds are rare. Herein we disclose new reaction conditions to synthesize heteroaryl 2-sulfonamides from disulfanes and amines through an SN2–oxidation cascade. The approach is compatible with a wide variety of heteroaryl and amine substrates and can be conducted on a gram scale. A potential Werner Syndrome Protein (WRN) small molecule inhibitor H3B-968 was also synthesized by this method.
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