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Green Molecular Transformation in Dual Catalysis: Photoredox Activation of Vitamin B12 Using Heterogeneous Photocatalyst

ChemPlusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

This concept focuses on the synergies between metal complexes and heterogeneous photocatalysts in dual-catalyst systems. The B12-based dual-catalyst enables green and sustainable molecular transformations, including the light-driven dehalogenation of toxic alkyl halides (DDT), gem-difluoroolefin synthesis, and amide synthesis from RCCl3.


This concept focuses on dual-catalysis using metal complexes and heterogeneous photocatalysts. Vitamin B12 derivatives are sophisticated metal complexes that facilitate enzymatic reactions in the biological systems. The B12 enzymes inspired reactions catalytically proceed in dual-catalyst systems of B12 derivatives and heterogeneous photocatalysts, such as titanium oxide (TiO2) and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), under light irradiation. The cobalt ions in B12 derivatives are effectively reduced by photoexcited photocatalysts, producing low-valent Co(I) species. The photoinduced nucleophilic Co(I) species react with an alkyl halide to form an organometallic complex with a Co−C bond. The Co−C bond dissociates during photolysis to generate alkyl radicals. Based on this mechanism, dual-catalysis effectively promotes various light-driven organic syntheses and light-driven dehalogenation reactions of toxic alkyl halides. The trends of the dual-catalyst system and recent progress in this field are discussed in this concept.

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