Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Green Light‐Responsive D‐π‐A‐π‐D Quinoxaline Emitters for Luminescent Solar Concentrators: Potential Integration in Agrivoltaic Systems

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

the integration of photovoltaic technologies within agricultural settings, also known as agrivoltaic, is attracting increasing attention as a sustainable approach to ensure both clean energy and food supply. The success of this strategy relies on the development of innovative materials that can selectively convert specific wavelengths into energy while being transparent to photosynthetically relevant light. To this aim, here we report our endeavors in the synthesis of a new class of D-π-A-π-D quinoxaline fluorophores and their use in the preparation of wavelength-selective luminescent solar concentrators (LSC). The dyes were expeditiously prepared following a direct arylation protocol and extensively characterized by spectroscopic analyses and computational studies. They present high light harvesting ability in the green region of the visible spectrum and good emission properties, which were fully retained in the solid state when embedded into a PMMA matrix. These materials were employed to construct LSC devices of promising efficiency, fostering further developments for the use of wavelength-selective LSC in agrivoltaic systems.

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