The Cover Feature shows a common idiom and pattern in Chinese traditional culture - Shuanglong Xizhu, which are both ancient totem symbols and profound cultural representations. At the same time, this picture also celebrates the coming of ...
Front Cover: Hydrophosphorylation of C=O/N Bonds Using Organophosphine Oxides or Sulfides (Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 9/2024)
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
The Front Cover shows the various “flavours” of α-functionalized phosphine chalcogenides that can be generated from the hydrophosphorylation of C=O/N bonds. Even with multiple potential operative mechanisms such as a concerted [2+2] hydrophosphorylation, or a stepwise P(V)−P(III) tautomerization and subsequent nucleophilic attack, the resultant α-functionalized phosphine chalcogenide remains the same. Additionally, the separation and organization of each α-functionalized phosphine chalcogenide displays that each is distinctly unique and is treated as such throughout the course of the Review. More information can be found in the Review by J.-W. Lamberink-Ilupeju, P. J. Ragogna, and J. M. Blacquiere.
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