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Cover Feature: Synthesis and reactivity of a dialkyl‐2H‐1,2‐phosphasiliren‐3‐olate (Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 9/2024)

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The Cover Feature shows a common idiom and pattern in Chinese traditional culture - Shuanglong Xizhu, which are both ancient totem symbols and profound cultural representations. At the same time, this picture also celebrates the coming of the Chinese New Year, “Year of the Dragon”, where the dragon is the symbol of China, representing auspiciousness, majesty and strength, and also expressing people's good wishes for the new year. The two dragons in the picture represent the two nucleophilic centers on the P and O atoms, respectively, which play and compete around the “pearl” evolved from the substrates. The molecular structure at the bottom of the picture is the simplified molecule of dialkyl-2H-1,2-phosphasiliren-3-olate. More information can be found in the Research Article by L. Wang, Z. Li, and co-workers.

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