Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Formation of Peroxynitrite, [O‐N‐O‐O]–, via a Cascade of Reactions between Ozonide and Ammonia

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

We report on an unexpected reaction between ammonia and potassium ozonide dissolved in liq. NH3 resulting in the formation of peroxynitrite, [ONOO]–, which exclusively happens in the presence of a specific partially fluorinated aniline based ammonium cation. High-resolution structural data of the peroxynitrite anion in cis-conformation have been obtained. We further studied this molecule anion by single crystal Raman spectroscopy. The cis and trans isomers of peroxynitrite were analyzed computationally with respect to their relative energies, the cis-trans transition barrier and their decomposition pathways to the nitrate anion. By experimentally examining cations decorated with fluorine ligands to different degrees, we demonstrate that fluorine specific interactions play a crucial role in the unexpected formation of peroxynitrite and as a conspicuously structure directing factor for the underlying crystalline solid phases, exhibiting distinct micro-separations of fluorine and hydrogen enriched regions.

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