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Flash Organometallic Catalysis Uncovered by Continuous Microfluidic Devices

ChemPlusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The flash organometallic catalysis is a new concept that refers to the study of fast and controlled organometallic catalytic reactions by using microfluidic devices. Flash reactions kinetics (ms-s scale) is often ignored due to the lack of proper research tool in organometallic chemistry. By using appropriate microfluidic devices, kinetic features of a flash catalytic progress could be studied.


The flash organometallic catalysis is a new concept that refers to the study of fast and controlled organometallic catalytic reactions by using microfluidic devices. Flash reactions’ kinetics (ms-s scale) is often ignored due to the lack of proper research tool in organometallic chemistry. The development of microfluidic systems offers the opportunity to discover under-studied mechanisms and new reactions. In this concept, the basic theory of kinetic measurement in a microreactor is briefly reviewed and then two examples on studying flash organometallic catalytic transformation are introduced. One example is the discovery of a highly active palladium catalytic species for Suzuki Coupling and the other example is the study of a neglected isomerization catalytic cycle with a time scale of seconds before isomerization-hydroformylation by customized microfluidic devices. The last part is summary and prospect of this new area. Customizing a microfluidic device with good engineering design for a target reaction supports flash reactions’ kinetic experimentation and could become a general strategy in chemistry lab.

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