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Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Mai 2014, Seite 569, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

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The EuCheMS Executive Board

The EuCheMS Newsletter introduces the EuCheMS Executive Board members. This issue goes on with Livia Simon Sarkadi (Hungary), Pilar Goya (Spain) and Boguslaw Buszewski (Poland).

Livia Simon Sarkadi is professor and head of the Department of Food Chemistry and Nutrition at the Faculty of Food Science, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. Sarkadi became the first female President of the Hungarian Chemical Society in 2011 and she has almost two decades experience of working within Fecs and EuCheMS. In 1996 she became the Representative of the Hungarian Chemical Society in the Food Chemistry Division of Fecs/EuCheMS and served as secretary and co-chair of this division. She became chair of the EuCheMS Food Chemistry Division in 2009 and was an appointed member of the Executive Board of EuCheMS (2010 till 2013). As a member of the scientific and local organising committees she helped organise the inaugural EuCheMS Chemistry Congress in Budapest (2006). Sarkadi is one of the two editors of the EuCheMS book ”European Women in Chemistry”, published in the International Year of Chemistry 2011. Her experience and contacts, her concern for


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