Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Mai 2014, Seite 567, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

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Workshop on energy storage in Brussels

Securing the energy supply is intimately linked to the need to generate and store energy in an environmentally appropriate and sustainable manner. Chemistry is a crucial factor for designing a future energy scenario built on innovative technologies and new materials that will both save energy and protect the environment.

In view of this, on 11 February 2014, EuCheMS co-organised together with the Scientific and Technologic Option Assessment (Stoa) of the European Parliament a workshop entitled ”The energy storage challenge: which contribution from chemical sciences?”. The workshop presented the main possibilities to store energy via the chemical sciences: physical devices, such as batteries or super-capacitors, and the storage of energy in chemical bonds to be released at another time and place.

The workshop was attended by more than hundred participants and was also webcasted. It was opened by António Correia de Campos, Member of the European Parliament and Stoa Chairman, and Ulrich Schubert, EuCheMS President, stating that sustainable energy production, transport and storage of energy are creating enormous scientif


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