Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Energy Efficient and Fast Charging Nitrogen Doped Carbon Anodes Derived from BIAN‐melamine Based Porous Organic Polymer for Lithium‐ion Batteries

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The effect of temperature on the morphology of the N-doped carbon derived from porous organic polymer was studied and subsequently the effect on lithium-ion storage was evaluated. Sample synthesized at 800 °C (PyPBM800) exhibited extremely fast charging capabilities with good energy efficiency and specific energy in both half-cell and full cell setup.


Fast charging anodes for lithium-ion batteries are most sought-after materials currently, owing to the increasing energy requirements of the world. In this context, carbonaceous materials are found to deliver faster kinetic performance in lithium-ion batteries. In this study, a single source of carbon and nitrogen was used as a precursor material to synthesize N-doped carbon (PyPBM600 and PyPBM800). The effect of synthetic conditions on the morphology of the material and in turn on the electrochemical properties is presented. Anodic half-cells with PyPBM600 and PyPBM800 anodes showed excellent rate capability and capacity till 4 A/g for over 1000 cycles. Furthermore, full cell fabricated with PyPBM800 delivered extremely fast charging characteristics with 15-minute charging time, a reversible capacity of 1.2 mAh with a columbic efficiency of 99.8 % and an enticing voltage and energy efficiencies of 90 % for 300 cycles.

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