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Employment Survey EuChemS/ACS

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, März 2020, Seite 94, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Employment Survey

Joint EuChemS/ACS Employment survey starts on March 1st

The 3rd EuChemS employment survey for chemists (ESEC3) will start on March, 1st, 2020. The online questionnaire on is freely accessible for all respondents between 1st and 31st March. Everybody from student to pensioner is welcome. Completion of the online questionnaire should take 15–20 minutes. All responses are stored anonymously. Your contribution will help to identify strengths and weaknesses within the chemistry workforce.

Results of the previous employment surveys provided unique data. Decision-makers in politics, in industry and in academia have closely observed them. New graduates can check opportunities for their careers in particular chemical sub-disciplines, in research areas or in employment sectors. Preceding surveys revealed interesting similarities and differences in the chemistry workforce on both sides of the Atlantic. The percentage of ACS members in 2015 with Ph.D. has risen to 66%, whereas


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