Since being experimentally discovered in 2017 the ferroelectric nematic phase has proven to be the hottest topic in the field of liquid crystals because of its real application potential. This review summarises the compounds which exhibit this fa...
Effects of Cyclic Glycopolymers Molecular Mobility on their Interactions with Lectins
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Cyclic polymers, which are found in the field of biopolymers, exhibit unique physical properties such as suppressed molecular mobility. Considering thermodynamics, the suppressed molecular mobility of cyclic polymers is expected to prevent unfavorable entropy loss in molecular interactions. In this study, we synthesized cyclic glycopolymers carrying galactose units and investigated the effects of their molecular mobility on the interactions with a lectin (peanut agglutinin). The synthesized cyclic glycopolymers exhibited delayed elution time on size exclusion chromatography and a short spin–spin relaxation time, indicating typical characteristics of cyclic polymers, including smaller hydrodynamic size and suppressed molecular mobility. The hemagglutination inhibition assay revealed that the cyclic glycopolymers exhibited weakened interactions with PNA compared to the linear counterparts, attributable to the suppressed molecular mobility. Although the results are contrary to our expectations, the impact of polymer topology on molecular recognition remains intriguing, particularly in the context of protein repellent activity in the biomedical field.
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