Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Detecting Protein‐Ligand Interactions with Nitroxide Based Paramagnetic Cosolutes

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

An easy-to-use NMR method for studying protein-ligand interactions is presented, relying on the measurement of paramagnetic relaxation enhancements induced by soluble nitroxide molecules. The NMR method can be useful for detecting changes of the electrostatic potential of proteins triggered by ligand binding and for detecting the location of ligand binding sites.


NMR spectroscopy techniques can provide important information about protein-ligand interactions. Here we tested an NMR approach which relies on the measurement of paramagnetic relaxation enhancements (PREs) arising from analogous cationic, anionic or neutral soluble nitroxide molecules, which distribute around the protein-ligand complex depending on near-surface electrostatic potentials. We applied this approach to two protein-ligand systems, interleukin-8 interacting with highly charged glycosaminoglycans and the SH2 domain of Grb2 interacting with less charged phospho-tyrosine tripeptides. The electrostatic potential around interleukin-8 and its changes upon binding of glycosaminoglycans could be derived from the PRE data and confirmed by theoretical predictions from Poisson-Boltzmann calculations. The ligand influence on the PREs and NMR-derived electrostatic potentials of Grb2 SH2 was localized to a narrow protein region which allowed the localization of the peptide binding pocket. Our analysis suggests that experiments with nitroxide cosolutes can be useful for investigating protein-ligand electrostatic interactions and mapping ligand binding sites.

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