Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Cp2Fe‐Mediated Electrochemical Synthesis of Functionalized Compounds: Recent Advances

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

This review focuses on Cp2Fe-mediated electrosynthesis of diverse functionalized compounds with the newly formed C−N, C−C, C−P, and C−O bonds over the past decade.


Unlike traditional organic methods, electrosynthesis has emerged as an environmentally friendly and sustainable approach to generate a series of functionalized compounds. In this process, the traceless electron serves as the redox agent, eliminating the need for stoichiometric oxidants or reductants. In contrast to direct electrolysis, redox-mediated electrolysis has the ability to overcome kinetic inhibitions and achieve diverse selectivity under mild conditions. This has garnered increasing attention from the synthetic community, especially in the past few years. This review will focus on Cp2Fe-mediated electrosynthesis of diversified functionalized compounds through C−N, C−C, C−P and C−O bond formation over the past decade.

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