Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Cocatalyst Modified Polymeric Carbon Nitride Photoanode for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Properties

ChemPlusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

In this work, FeOOH modified CN photoanode (CN−Fe) was constructed to investigate the effect of the cocatalyst on the charge injection capacity of organic semiconductor photoelectrodes. The experimental results demonstrate significant improvement in the charge injection efficiency due to the introduction of FeOOH, leading to enhanced photoelectrochemical performance with approximately 2.4 times increase in photocurrent density.


As a new organic photocatalyst, polymeric carbon nitride (CN) has shown good application potential in the field of photoelectrochemistry due to its unique physical and chemical properties, but its application has been seriously hindered due to its inherent characteristics such as the difficulty in charge separation. In this study, FeOOH modified CN photoanode (CN−Fe) was constructed to investigate the effect of the cocatalyst on the charge injection capacity of organic semiconductor photoelectrodes. The experimental results demonstrate significant improvement in the charge injection efficiency of the photoanode due to the introduction of FeOOH cocatalyst, leading to enhanced photoelectrochemical performance with approximately 2.4 times increase in photocurrent density. By thoroughly investigating the mechanism behind the loading of FeOOH on the polymeric carbon nitride photoanode, we gained profound insights into the behavior of charge carriers and reaction kinetics during the photoelectrocatalytic process.

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