Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Co3O4‐Based Catalysts for the Low‐Temperature Catalytic Oxidation of VOCs

ChemCatChem, April 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Catalytic oxidation is an efficient method for VOCs elimination. Co3O4-based catalysts have been widely studied due to cost-effectiveness and superior low-temperature activity. The construction strategies and structure-activity relationship of Co3O4-based catalysts in VOCs oxidation were illustrated in detail, including monometallic Co3O4 and multimetallic cobalt-based catalysts. This work provides a theoretical foundation to guide the catalyst construction for low-temperature VOCs oxidation.


Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a significant source of environmental pollution, posing threats to human safety. With growing concerns about environmental degradation, catalytic oxidation technology emerges as a paramount and widely adopted approach for VOC elimination, renowned for its operational simplicity, energy efficiency, and environmental friendliness. As a representative transition metal catalyst, cobalt-based catalysts have garnered widespread use in VOC catalytic oxidation due to their cost-effectiveness, versatility, and distinctive physicochemical properties. This paper provides a detailed exposition of the construction strategies and structure-activity relationship of Co3O4-based catalysts in VOCs oxidation reaction, encompassing both monometallic Co3O4 and multimetallic cobalt-based catalysts. Furthermore, it offers a comprehensive summary and discussion of the latest research progress concerning Co3O4-based catalysts in practical applications. Concluding with a meticulous analysis, the paper addresses the technical challenges inherent in developing Co3O4-based catalysts for VOCs degradation. Additionally, it proposes research directions aimed at overcoming these challenges, contributing to the ongoing discourse on environmental sustainability.

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