Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Carbon‐Sulfur Bond Cleavage in Methanesulfonate on Diorganotin Quinaldate Platform – Synthesis and Characterization of [(n‐Bu2SnL)2SO4]

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Several new mixed ligand diorganotin complexes, [(n-Bu2SnL1−3)2SO4] and [(Me2Sn)2(L2)3(OSO2Me)] (HL= quinadic acids) have been synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography.


The synthesis of mixed ligand di-n-butyltin complexes, [(n-Bu2SnL1−3)2SO4], 24 (HL1−3=2-quinoline/ 1-isoquinoline/ 4-methoxy-2-quinoline carboxylic acid) has been realized by reacting n-Bu2Sn(OMe)OSO2Me, 1 a with the corresponding quinaldic acid under solvothermal conditions. The observed transformation of methane sulfonate to sulfate anion represents a rare example of C−S bond cleavage on the organotin scaffolds, n-Bu2Sn(L1−3)OSO2Me, which have been identified as en route intermediates by NMR and X-ray crystallography. Analogous reaction when extended with Me2Sn(OMe)OSO2Me, 1 b and HL2 yields [(Me2Sn)2(L2)3(OSO2Me)], 5 as partially disproportionated product of Me2Sn(L2)OSO2Me. The solid-state structures of 25 reveal variable modes of coordination of the ligands to afford molecular and polymeric motifs.

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