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“Bite like a Rottweiler”

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, November 2013, S. 1107-1108, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

2011 Nobel prize laureate Dan Shechtman talks about quasicrystals, jewelry and being stubborn.

Nachrichten aus der Chemie: Professor Shechtman, this is not your first Nobel-Prize-Meeting now. You have already attended last year the Physics Meeting. But you are a Chemistry Nobel Prize Winner. Was this a surprise for you?

Dan Shechtman: That it was in Chemistry? Yes. And I shouldn't be surprised, and yet I was. Because all or most of the crystallography prizes I have received were in Chemistry, not in Physics. Someone told me, this year you are nominated again for the Nobel prize. And I assumed it was by physics. I was told that in the Nobel committees, they talk to each other and if I am nominated for Physics and for Chemistry, they make one file and they usually give it to Chemistry.

Nachrichten: In the mid-eighties, there were three ground-breaking discoveries concerning the chemistry of materials. The fullerenes, the high temperature super-conductors and your quasicrystals. The researchers of the two first ones received a Nobel Prize very fast. And you had to wait for 30 years. Did you believe finally, that yo


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