Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Aus den Jungchemikerforen

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, November 2019, S. 104-105, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt


Digitalization in the daily life of Chemists: Do we still need Chemists in the digitalized world (in 20 years)?

Digitalisation has been off late a hot topic among young chemists. Taking into account how digitalization has influenced our day to day life, it is impossible to ignore the impact it will have to our future careers as young chemists. 10 years ago digitalization in the society was mostly limited and associated to knowledge in operation of a computer or digital home appliances. Today, chemical companies are striving to alter their ways of operation by finding smart holistic solutions to increase production and revenue. Academic institutions have also not been left behind due to increased demand for new and efficient ways of handling and storage of data. For this reasons, the JCF Siegen organized a podium discussion on 2nd of July at the University of Siegen to explore the future roles of chemists in a digitalized world beyond 20 years. The invited panelists included Katharina Uebele (Pricewaterhouse Coopers Germany), Dr. Wolfram Keller (Wolfram Keller Management Consulting), Prof. Dr. Peter. W. Simon (Hoschule Rhein-Waal – University of


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