Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


At the limits of bisphosphonio‐substituted stannylenes

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Bisphosphoniostannylenes and plumbylenes have been embedded into [3]ferrocenophane scaffolds staying monomeric for the stannylenes and dimerice via halide bridges for the plumbylene. The compounds are dynamic in solution which can be suspended with weakly coordination anions.


Donor stabilization of Sn(II) and Pb(II) halides with 1,1’-ferrocenylene bridged bisphosphanes has been explored for Fe(C5H4P(C6H5)2)2 (dppf), and Fe(C5H4PH(C4H9))2. These bisphosphanes are reacted with SnBr2 and PbCl2 with and without additional Lewis acid (AlCl3) forming acyclic and cyclic donor adducts from which the latter represent bisphosphoniotetrylenes. Since dynamic exchange in solution is observed, characterization includes solution and solid-state NMR in addition to SC-XRD, amended by DFT calculations.

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