Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


An Isolable THF‐Coordinated Dialkylgermanone

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

A dialkylgermanone (R2Ge=O) was synthesized and isolated as a THF-coordinated form. The reaction of the THF-coordinated dialkylgermanone with triphenylphosphine affording the corresponding germylene and triphenylphosphine oxide indicated that the Ge=O bond in the THF-coordinated germanone is weaker than the P=O bond in triphenylphosphine oxide. The reaction with a phosphaylide provided a Ge=C compound, which represents the first germa-Wittig reaction.


A stable dialkylgermanone was generated by mixing a solid of the corresponding dialkylgermylene and gaseous N2O. While the dialkylgermanone is marginally persistent in solution and gradually converts to its head-to-tail dimer at room temperature, the addition of THF to the dialkylgermanone provided an isolable THF-coordinated dialkylgermanone. The THF-coordinated dialkylgermanone reacts with H2O, THF, and B(C6F5)3 similar to the corresponding base-free two-coordinate dialkylsilanone. The dialkylgermanone undergoes deoxygenation in the presence of triphenylphosphine to provide the corresponding germylene and olefination upon treatment with phosphaylide Ph3PCHPh to afford the corresponding Ge=C bond compound (germa-Wittig reaction).

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