Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Advanced Functionalized Nanoclusters (Cu, Ag, and Au) as Effective Catalyst for Organic Transformation Reactions

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The review emphasize the significance of advanced functionalized nanoclusters (NCs) in catalysis through an in-depth examination of current advancements in copper (Cu), silver (Ag), and gold (Au) NCs. It comprehensively examines many aspects including the approaches used in their production, the intricate parameters that influence their catalytic activity and selectivity, and detailed discussion on their catalytic potential.


A considerable amount of research has been carried out in recent years on synthesizing metal nanoclusters (NCs), which have wide applications in the field of optical materials with non-linear properties, bio-sensing, and catalysis. Aside from being structurally accurate, the atomically precise NCs possess well-defined compositions due to significant tailoring, both at the surface and the core, for certain functionalities. To illustrate the importance of atomically precise metal NCs for catalytic processes, this review emphasizes 1) the recent work on Cu, Ag, and Au NCs with their synthesis, 2) the parameters affecting the activity and selectivity of NCs catalysis, and 3) the discussion on the catalytic potential of these metal NCs. Additionally, metal NCs will facilitate the design of extremely active and selective catalysts for significant reactions by elucidating catalytic mechanisms at the atomic and molecular levels. Future advancements in the science of catalysis are expected to come from the potential to design NCs catalysts at the atomic level.

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