Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
Magnetic molecules in the second quantum revolution: potential and challenges

Vortrag (Präsenzveranstaltung)

Magnetic molecules in the second quantum revolution: potential and challenges

Prof. Dr. Roberta Sessoli

Department of Chemistry „UGO SCHIFF“, Università degli Studi di Firenze

Roberta Sessoli developed her career at the University of Florence. She has pioneered the field of magnetic bistability and quantum effects in molecules. Her current interests include the interplay between magnetism and chirality, magnetic molecules on surfaces to form hybrid interfaces, and molecules with highly coherent spin dynamics for quantum information science. In 2023 she has been elected to the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.

Montag, 13. November 2023

16:00 – 17:00

Montag, 13. November 2023

16:00 – 17:00