Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
Hydrogen Peroxide - small molecule with big applications

Vortrag (Präsenzveranstaltung)

Hydrogen Peroxide - small molecule with big applications

Dr. Jürgen Glenneberg

Evonik Hanau-Wolfgang, Production Technology & Engineering, Active Oxygens

On the 25th of April 2023 at 4:15 pm, Dr. Jürgen Glenneberg from Evonik in Hanau-Wolfgang will be our guest for the first GDCh-Kolloquium of the upcomming summer semester.

At Evonik he deals with active oxygens in the production technology & engineering.

We are happy to welcome him in Gießen.

Dienstag, 25. April 2023

14:15 – 15:15

Dienstag, 25. April 2023

14:15 – 15:15