Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker



Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Mai 2011, S. 583-586, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

APST TWO Advances in Polymer Science & Technology September 28 — 30, 2011, Johannes Kepler University Linz

This conference focuses on polymeric materials with a special focus on polyolefins. APST 2 is aiming at facilitating the communication between industry and academia, is covering recent developments & future targets and considering global trends & events.

Symposia and Keynote Lecturers

1. Polymer Synthesis

· Polymerisation

· Catalysis

· Process Design

· Additives and Stabilizers for Polymers

2. Advanced Polymer Characterisation

· Chemical Characterisation

· Physical Characterisation (Structures)

· Mechanical Characterisation (Rheology and Mechanical Tests)

3. Modelling

· Multi Scale Characterisation and Simulation

4. Smart Functional Materials

· Biobased Compounds and Composites

· Functional Polymers

· Active and Smart Composites

5. Innovative Polymer Processing

· Basic improvements in screw, mold and die design

· Function integration with injection molding technologies

· Extrusion and compounding

· Flow-indu


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