In situ and operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) provides fundamental insight into the working principles of electrocatalysts and is an important tool for future catalyst development. However, the design of an operando XAS electrocatalytic...
Unlocking the Potential of Liquid Multiphase Systems for Metal‐Catalysed Reactions
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
The potential of liquid-liquid multiphase systems in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis has been described through examples in recent literature, showcasing advantages, current challenges, and potential impacts on sustainability and biomass valorization strategies.
Liquid multiphase systems (MPS) have gained attention in recent years due to their versatility for catalytic processes. This review article presents a critical discussion of the most recent advances on the utilization of MPS in both homogeneous and heterogeneous metal-catalysed reactions. Pros and cons of some exemplificative multiphase configurations are highlighted and compared to conventional methods in single liquid solvents. The application of MPS for the implementation of strategies for the upgrading of biobased molecules is also examined with emphasis on process intensification and sustainability including the catalyst/products separation and the in-situ recycle and reuse of the metal catalysts. These aspects are analyzed with a view on expanding MPS applications and whenever possible, explore scale-up opportunities.
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