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Unique Possibilities of Dynamic Metal–Polymer Interactions in Selective Hydrogenation

ChemCatChem, April 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The polymer-modified metal catalysts can give unique catalytic properties. With strongly metal–ligating functional groups, mobile polymer chains can spontaneously decorate the metal catalyst surfaces, forming metal–polymer interfaces. The polymer chains that dynamically interact with the metal surface can control the adsorption of reactants and products through competitive adsorption, significantly improving selectivity and catalyst stability.


Rationally designed polymers can function as supports or promoters for metal catalysts, imparting distinct catalytic properties in selective hydrogenation. With strongly metal–ligating functional groups, mobile polymer chains can spontaneously decorate the metal catalyst surfaces under mild conditions, forming stable metal–polymer interfaces. We have termed this phenomenon ‘dynamic metal–polymer interaction (DMPI),’ which can be roughly considered as an organic version of the strong metal–support interaction (SMSI) concept. The polymer chains that dynamically interact with the metal surface can control the adsorption of reactants and products through competitive adsorption, significantly improving selectivity and catalyst stability. One of the remarkable advantages of using polymers as catalytic materials is that their molecular structures, such as molecular weight, crystallinity, and chemical functionality, can be tailored using rich organic chemistry. This, in turn, allows us to precisely tune the metal–polymer interactions and catalytic properties. In this Concept, we will discuss how metal–polymer interfaces can be designed and utilized for selective hydrogenation, with a particular emphasis on the industrially relevant acetylene partial hydrogenation reaction.

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