Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Understanding the electronic and structural effects in ORR intermediate binding on anion‐substituted zirconia surfaces

ChemPhysChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

For oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), the surface adsorption energies of O* and OH* intermediates are key descriptors for catalytic activity. In this work, we investigate anion-substituted zirconia catalyst surfaces and determine that adsorption energies of O* and OH* intermediates is governed by both structural and electronic effects. When the adsorption energies are not influenced by the structural effects of the catalyst surface, they exhibit a linear correlation with integrated crystal orbital Hamiltonian population (ICOHP) of the adsorbate-surface bond. The influence of structural effects, due to re-optimisation slab geometry after adsorption of intermediate species, leads to stronger adsorption of intermediates. Our calculations show that there is a change in the bond order to accommodate the incoming adsorbate species which leads to stronger adsorption when both structural and electronic effects influence the adsorption phenomena. The insights into the catalyst-adsorbate interactions can guide the design of future ORR catalysts.

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