Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Tuning catalytic activity of CO2 hydrogenation to C1 product via metal support interaction over metal/metal oxide supported catalysts

ChemSusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The metal supported catalysts are emerging catalysts that are receiving a lot of attention in CO2 hydrogenation to C1 products. Numerous experiments have demonstrated that the support (usually an oxide) is crucial for the catalytic performance. The support metal oxides are used to aid in the homogeneous dispersion of metal particles, prevent agglomeration, and control morphology owing to the metal support interaction (MSI). MSI can efficiently optimize the structural and electronic properties of catalysts and tune the conversion of key reaction intermediates involved in CO2 hydrogenation, thereby enhancing the catalytic performance. There is an increasing attention is being paid to the promotion effects in the catalytic CO2 hydrogenation process. However, a systematically understanding about the effects of MSI on CO2 hydrogenation to C1 products catalytic performance has not been fully studied yet due to the diversities in catalysts and reaction conditions. Hence, the characteristics and modes of MSI in CO2 hydrogenation to C1 products are elaborated in detail in our work.

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