Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


The Therapeutic Potential in Cancer of Terpyridine‐Based Metal Complexes Featuring Group 11 Elements

ChemMedChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

This review systematically assessed the anticancer properties of terpyridine-based complexes with group 11 metals. These derivatives display notable cytotoxicity against diverse cancer cell lines, with some compounds exhibiting favorable selectivity for healthy cells. The interaction of copper, silver, or gold complexes with terpyridine-based ligands and DNA, involving intercalation and groove binding, is a crucial aspect of their effectiveness against cancer.


Terpyridine-based complexes with group 11 metals emerge as potent metallodrugs in cancer therapy. This comprehensive review focuses on the current landscape of anticancer examples, particularly highlighting the mechanisms of action. While Cu(II) complexes, featuring diverse ancillary ligands, dominate the field, exploration of silver and gold species remains limited. These complexes exhibit significant cytotoxicity against various cancer cell lines with a commendable selectivity for non-tumorigenic cells. DNA interactions, employing intercalation and groove binding, are pivotal and finely tuned through terpyridine ligand functionalization. In addition, copper complexes showcase nuclease activity, triggering apoptosis through ROS generation. Despite silver‘s high affinity for nitrogen donor atoms, its exploration is relatively sparse, with indications of acting as intercalating agents causing DNA hydrolytic cleavage. Gold(III) compounds, overshadowing gold(I) due to stability concerns, not only intercalate but also induce apoptosis and disrupt the mitochondrial membrane. Further investigations are needed to fully understand the mechanism of action of these compounds, highlighting the necessity of exploring additional biological targets for these promising metallodrugs.

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