Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


The Evolution of Sonochemistry: From the Beginnings to Novel Applications

ChemPlusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Ultrasound irradiation is not merely a phenomenon with a singular application. Grasping the fundamentals not only facilitates comprehension of the underlying mechanisms but also elucidates the development of a green technique. This, in turn, broadens the scope of applications, fostering innovation in new systems with solutions that are more environmentally and socially friendly.


Sonochemistry is the use of ultrasonic waves in an aqueous medium, to generate acoustic cavitation. In this context, sonochemistry emerged as a focal point over the past few decades, starting as a manageable process such as a cleaning technique. Now, it is found in a wide range of applications across various chemical, physical, and biological processes, creating opportunities for analysis between these processes. Sonochemistry is a powerful and eco-friendly technique often called “green chemistry” for less energy use, toxic reagents, and residues generation. It is increasing the number of applications achieved through the ultrasonic irradiation (USI) method. Sonochemistry has been established as a sustainable and cost-effective alternative compared to traditional industrial methods. It promotes scientific and social well-being, offering non-destructive advantages, including rapid processes, improved process efficiency, enhanced product quality, and, in some cases, the retention of key product characteristics. This versatile technology has significantly contributed to the food industry, materials technology, environmental remediation, and biological research. This review is created with enthusiasm and focus on shedding light on the manifold applications of sonochemistry. It delves into this technique‘s evolution and current applications in cleaning, environmental remediation, microfluidic, biological, and medical fields. The purpose is to show the physicochemical effects and characteristics of acoustic cavitation in different processes across various fields and to demonstrate the extending application reach of sonochemistry. Also to provide insights into the prospects of this versatile technique and demonstrating that sonochemistry is an adapting system able to generate more efficient products or processes.

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