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The Construction of Helical Carbon‐Based Skeletons for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Performance

ChemCatChem, April 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The helical structure is adopted to achieve the periodic surface curvature for carbon-based skeleton to regulate the electronic structure of electrocatalyst, which endows carbon-based materials with special catalytic properties. In this Concept, synthesis strategies of different characteristics, and further corresponding heteroatom load for helical carbon-based skeleton are summarized.


As an excellent class of electrode materials, carbon-based materials have garnered sustained attention. Constructing carbon-based skeleton with unique structure has become a vital research area in the fields of electrocatalysis. Recently, surface curvature has been extensive discussed as a compelling factor in electronic modulation for electrocatalyst design. Benefitting from its distinctive regulation, the intrinsic activity and service stability of catalysts during electrocatalytic process can be significantly improved. Therefore, a helical structure that adeptly integrates well-regulated, highly ordered surface curvatures is considered to be of great research value for the synthesis of carbon-based skeleton. In this Concept article, we systematically summarize the up-to-date reports on the synthetic methods of carbon-based skeletons with helical structures and present major challenges in this field. We also emphasize that the helical carbon-based skeleton could be combined with transition metals for cooperative coupling, potentially leading to the further development of high-efficiency electrocatalysts.

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