Self-assembled Proteophenes. Oligothiophenes with distinct amino acid side-chain functionalities along the conjugated backbone displayed distinct chiroptical and structural properties in acidic or alkaline solutions. The distinct photophys...
The application of nitroarenes in catalyst‐free photo‐driven reactions
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
In this review, the development of catalyst-free photo-induced reactions involving photoexcited nitroarenes is summarized and a brief outline of future directions in this field is provided.
Nitroarenes are usually excited to form photoexcited species in light-induced reactions due to their unique properties, leading to the development of numerous related catalyst-free photo-induced reactions encompassing diverse reaction types and key intermediates. This review aims to summarize the progress in catalyst-free photo-induced reactions involving photoexcited nitroarenes and offers a brief overview of future directions in this field.
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