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Stefanie Dehnen, new GDCh President

EuChemS magazine, März 2024. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Since 2022, Stefanie Dehnen has served as Executive Director of the Institute of Nanotechnology and Professor of Information-Based Material Design and Nanoscience at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

From 2006 to 2022, she has been Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Philipps University of Marburg, where she also served as Director of the Scientific Center of Materials Science (2012-2014 as Executive Director). As of 2020, she has been an elected member of the Board of GDCh (2020-2021 as Vice President). She is an elected member and spokesperson of the Review Board (Fachkollegium) for Molecular Chemistry at the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), Editor-in-Chief of Inorganic Chemistry (ACS), and Editorial Board or Editorial Advisory Board Member of several other scientific journals.

In 2022, Stefanie Dehnen was awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize from the DFG – the highest German-based research award – and received an ERC Advanced Grant by the European Research Council for Bismuth Cluster-based Materials (BiCMat), and she received many other national and international awards. Among others, she is a member of Leopoldina German National Academy of Sciences and European Academy of Science (EurASc). Her current research is focused on the synthesis and experimental as well as quantum chemical investigation of compounds with multinary, in particular multimetallic, molecular nanoarchitectures, which possess potential as innovative catalysts, white-light emitters, or battery materials.

The post Stefanie Dehnen, new GDCh President appeared first on EuChemS magazine.

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