Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


“Solidarity is a necessity”

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Ulrich Schubert, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Materials Chemistry Institute of the Vienna University of Technology, is Euchems president elect. Nachrichten aus der Chemie asked him about his priorities and aims.

Nachrichten aus der Chemie: In a few months you will be president of Euchems: Is this a pleasure or a burden?

Ulrich Schubert: It will probably end up as a mixture of both. But it was gratifying and a great honour to be asked to be a candidate in the first place, and then actually to be chosen. Will the office end up being burdensome? The word burden has a bad aftertaste and I don't believe I could ever feel that way about this position. But the amount of work that is coming my way has already become clear in the few months since the election: in that short time my e-mail has tripled.

Nachrichten: What are the issues topping your agenda?

Schubert: The first priority is to represent Euchems interests vis-à-vis European institutions and authorities, as well as European and international partner organisations. For example, deliberations for the eighth European Framework Research Programme have already begun, and Euchems wants to play

Central Europe Chemistry

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