Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Sheet Models for Methylaluminoxane (MAO) Activators? A Theoretical Case Study involving rac‐Me2Si(η5‐C9H6)2Zr (SBIZr) Complexes

ChemPhysChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

DFT studies of activation of rac-Me2Si(η5-C9H6)2ZrMe2 (rac-Me2Si(η5-C9H6)2=SBI) or SBIZrMeCl by a sheet model for methylaluminoxane (MAO) indicate formation of outer-sphere ion-pairs 3 (red UV-Vis spectrum) from contact ion-pairs 2 (blue spectrum) is favorable in agreement with experiment, while insertion of propene has a high barrier.


Activation of SBIZrMe2 or SBIZrMeCl and a sheet model for an active component of hydrolytic MAO, (MeAlO)16(Me3Al)6, (16,6) has been studied by DFT. Contact ion-pair formation occurs through the intermediacy of SBIZrMe(Cl) or SBIZrMe2 reacting with sheet 16,6 to furnish SBIZrMe-μ-X(MeAlO)16(Me3Al)6 (2, X=Me, Cl). Contact ion-pairs 2 would be in equilibrium with heterodinuclear catalyst precursors [SBIZrMe2AlMe2][(MeAlO)16(Me3Al)6X] (3 (X=Me, Cl) through reversible binding of Me3Al at higher Al : Zr ratios. Calculations show that formation of ion-pairs 3 from contact ion-pairs 2 is more favourable for the SBIZr compared with the parent Cp2Zr complexes. TD-DFT calculations were conducted on relevant SBIZr complexes to relate the results to earlier spectroscopic studies of catalyst activation using UV-Vis spectroscopy. Finally, propene insertion into ion-pairs 2, SBIZrMe-μ-MeB(C6F5)3 (6) and [SBIZrMe][B(C6F5)4] (7) was studied at M06-2X/TZVP level of theory. These studies suggest that contact ion-pairs 2 are significantly less reactive towards insertion than 6 or 7, in disagreement with experiment.

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