Electrostatic control: the stronger acidity of aluminum substituted zeolites comes from a stronger Al−O bond governed by electrostatic interaction. The acidity measured with ammonia is influenced by the topology of the zeolite and the char...
Self‐consistent convolutional density functional approximations: Application to adsorption at metal surfaces
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
The exchange-correlation (XC) functional in density functional theory is used to approximate multi-electron interactions. A plethora of different functionals are available, but nearly all are based on the hierarchy of inputs commonly referred to as “Jacob’s ladder.” This paper introduces an approach to construct XC functionals with inputs from convolutions of arbitrary kernels with the electron density, providing a route to move beyond Jacob’s ladder. We derive the variational derivative of these functionals, showing consistency with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), and provide equations for variational derivatives based on multipole features from convolutional kernels. A proof-of-concept functional, PBEq, which generalizes the PBEα framework where α is a spatially-resolved function of the monopole of the electron density, is presented and implemented. It allows a single functional to use different GGAs at different spatial points in a system, while obeying PBE constraints. Analysis of the results underlines the importance of error cancellation and the XC potential in datadriven functional design. After testing on small molecules, bulk metals, and surface catalysts, the results indicate that this approach is a promising route to simultaneously optimize multiple properties of interest.
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