Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Securing Reversibility of UVO2+/UVIO22+ Redox Equilibrium in [emim]Tf2N‐Based Liquid Electrolytes towards Uranium Redox‐Flow Battery

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Reversibility of a UVO2 +/UVIO2 2+ redox equilibrium in a [emim]Tf2N-based liquid electrolyte was successfully established after addition of DMF and Cl appropriately. The former was employed to reduce viscosity of the system for improving diffusivity of the U-based electrode active materials, while the latter is also essential to stabilize both UVO2 + and UVIO2 2+ as tetrachloro complexes.


We studied electrochemical behavior of UVO2 +/UVIO2 2+ in non-aqueous liquid electrolytes to clarify what is required to attain its reversibility for utilizing depleted U in a redox-flow battery. To transfer knowledge from former pyrochemical systems in high temperature molten salts, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylamide ([emim]Tf2N) ionic liquid was employed here. As a result, a reversible redox reaction of the UVO2 +/UVIO2 2+ was successfully observed on a glassy carbon working electrode under presence of Cl in [emim]Tf2N, where [UVIO2Cl4]2−+e=[UVO2Cl4]3− occurs after stabilization of both U oxidation states by the Cl coordination. The observed electrochemical responses are rather sensitive to an electrode material, so that cyclic voltammograms on a Pt working electrode were actually irreversible. To improve diffusivity of solutes, viscosity (η) of [emim]Tf2N diluted with an auxiliary molecular solvent, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), was examined under absence and presence of Cl. When the mole fraction of DMF (x DMF) is 0.769, η of the mixture becomes sufficiently low to be utilized as a liquid electrolyte. Finally, we have succeeded in demonstrating a reversible redox reaction of [UVIO2Cl4]2−+e=[UVO2Cl4]3− in the [emim]Tf2N-DMF (50 : 50 v/v, x DMF=0.769) liquid electrolyte containing [Cl]=0.519 M, where η=6.2 mPa ⋅ s.

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