Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Ring Opening Copolymerization of Epoxides with CO2 and Organic Anhydrides Promoted by Dinuclear [OSSO]‐type Metal Complexes

ChemCatChem, April 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

In this study, we introduced efficient catalytic systems for terpolymerization reactions involving epoxide, cyclic anhydride, and CO2. These systems featured bis-thioether [OSSO]-type Cr(III) and Iron(III) complexes, in combination with (bis(triphenylphosphine)iminium chloride) (PPNCl) as a co-catalyst. The reactions were carried out at temperatures ranging from 45 to 80 °C, and a CO2 pressure of 20 bar. As a result, these reactions produced exclusive blocky polymers catalyzed by 1/PPNCl and random polymers in the cases of terpolymerization of CHO and VCHO with DGA/CO2 catalyzed by 2/PPNCl, incorporating both polyester and polycarbonate segments.


The ternary copolymerization of a series of cyclic anhydrides with epoxides and carbon dioxide using dinuclear [OSSO]-type chromium (III),1, and -iron(III), 2, complexes (0.1 mol %) in combination with (bis(triphenylphosphine)iminium chloride) (PPNCl, 0.5–1.0 mol with respect to catalyst) as co-catalyst is reported in this study. The results have yielded copolymers with polyester and polycarbonate segments with high molecular weights and narrow dispersity. The catalytic systems 12/PPNCl were tested in the copolymerization of different epoxides, such as propylene oxide (PO), cyclohexene oxide (CHO), and vinylcyclohexene oxide (VCHO), with a variety of cyclic anhydrides, such as phthalic (PA), diglycolic (DGA) and succinic (SA), with CO2 pressure of 20 bar, temperature range of 45–80 °C in 24 h. Anhydride reaction, affording the polyester segments, exceeded the conversion of 99 % in all the explored cases. On the other hand, in the case of epoxide copolymerization with CO2, for the propylene oxide (PO) reaction, the selectivity towards polypropylene carbonate (PPC) without polyether linkage consistently was >99 %. For the terpolymerization of PO, CO2 and diglycolic anhydride (DGA), a notable epoxide conversion of 86 %, selectively to polycarbonate, with TOF value as high as 36 h−1, was achieved.

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