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Research Progress on the Composite Methods of Composite Electrolytes for Solid‐State Lithium Batteries

ChemSusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Composite electrolytes are a promising direction for solving the practical application problems of solid-state lithium batteries. The composite method greatly affects the internal structure and performance of composite electrolytes. This review summarizes different composite methods such as filler blending, embedded skeleton, and multilayer bonding, and looks forward to the development trend of solid-state lithium batteries.


In the current challenging energy storage and conversion landscape, solid-state lithium metal batteries with high energy conversion efficiency, high energy density, and high safety stand out. Due to the limitations of material properties, it is difficult to achieve the ideal requirements of solid electrolytes with a single-phase electrolyte. A composite solid electrolyte is composed of two or more different materials. Composite electrolytes can simultaneously offer the advantages of multiple materials. Through different composite methods, the merits of various materials can be incorporated into the most essential part of the battery in a specific form. Currently, more and more researchers are focusing on composite methods for combining components in composite electrolytes. The ion transport capacity, interface stability, machinability, and safety of electrolytes can be significantly improved by selecting appropriate composite methods. This review summarizes the composite methods used for the components of composite electrolytes, such as filler blending, embedded framework, and multilayer bonding. It also discusses the future development trends of all-solid-state lithium batteries (ASSLBs).

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